Our Vision is to prioritise children’s mental and physical health, without positive wellbeing, children do not have the capacity to learn. We are committed to promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to all children, their families, staff and members of the community. Our open culture allows pupils’ voices to be heard, and through the use of effective identification, ethos and our PSHE curriculum we ensure a safe and supportive environment for all.
Our PSHE curriculum ensures we actively teach and promote awareness of mental health. The DfE statutory Health Education guidance is covered in the following ways; ‘Mental wellbeing’, ‘Internet safety and harms’, Physical health and fitness’, Healthy eating’, ‘Drugs, alcohol and tobacco’, ‘Health and prevention’, ‘Basic First Aid’, ‘Changing adolescent body as part of our Jigsaw spiral planning to all children across the year through ‘ a spiral healthy me’ . We are a UNICEF Rights Respecting school as part of our work on this we believe that every child has the right to the best possible health. Additionally, we will use lessons such as PSHE, Internet Safety and Science as a vehicle for providing children who do develop difficulties with strategies to keep themselves healthy and safe, as well as supporting pupils to support any of their friends who are facing challenges.